Tag Archives: twleve



Hi, my name is Kathy, and I am a book hoarder.

There are piles and piles and piles of books all over my house.  Many I have read, and many more I haven’t.  Books from library sales.  Books received as gifts.  Books purchased because they’re classic.  Books purchased because I’m sure they’ll be classic someday.  Books in my office.  Books on my nightstand.  Books stacked in the room we’ll make into our library one day.

I have a problem and today I’m coming clean about my addiction.

Two bloggers I follow have recently written about the same problem.  Both have decided not to purchase another book until their specific stack has been read.  They didn’t know it, but it was a challenge directed right at me.

Girl, read these books instead of leaving them in stacks all over the house!

12 books

Here’s my list of twelve.  Not another book purchased until these are completed.

Read Sara Bessey’s post – In which I have a (not so) serious problem.

Read Sarah Askin’s post – For the Infinite Collector of Books