I started this blog December 31st, 2011, thinking it would be a great place to keep an online journal of  the comings and goings of my life.  Thinking it would be easy.  Thinking that the thoughts would flow and the writing would just come naturally.  I was… WRONG.  Just this last couple of months (June/July 2012), I have finally figured it out.  For the ideas to flow, for the writing to come, you have to do it all the time.  Not just sit and wait for inspiration to strike, but practicing, looking for inspiration, stalking an  idea and then putting in all down on paper (figuratively speaking).

A little about me:

* After some heartbreak and deciding I’d probably just be single forever, God sent an incredible man to share my life with.  He’s more than I could have ever dreamed of.

* After meeting my Swedish dreamboat, we decided to leave California (where I had lived my whole life).  We wound up in Nashville, TN – a place where there are more transplants than natives and a place that we LOVE.

* Dolly, our lab-retriever, has been declared “the most photographed dog on the planet” by my sweet Mother in Law.

* Unlike many writers, I have not been telling stories and writing since I was a little girl.  Mostly, I’ve been afraid to try.  This is when it all changed: Well I do declare!

* I love young people. (Gosh, that makes me sound like a grandmother…)  Their energy keeps me young, their drama cracks me up, and its a joy to see them find their passions in life.

* My cooking blog – Strawberries and Yogurt

* I also love to read, take pictures, drink coffee (made by the Swedish dreamboat), watch movies and try crafty things.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you!